The Five Stages

Matthew DeGroat
3 min readFeb 13, 2021

I fell to my knees before her. Such an intense image of beauty, now burnt into me. And here I was, overwhelmed with all of my doubts and emotions. She would think I was being ridiculous. Aha! There she is! And her hair, like the golden late-day sun hitting the first fiery-red trees of the Autumn. And her lips were pink and plump like a pair of breakfast sausages. Suddenly I felt the urge to stare. I couldn’t bring myself to turn away. Such powerful beauty. Such tranquility, I thought.

“What is this feeling inside of me? Can this even be true?” I whispered to her.

She remained silent.

The silence began to remind me of those early twilight evenings on the lake outside the summerhouse, years before. Nothing but fireflies and the smell of cedar and stone. Stars were born as the hours slowly died away. Crickets sang and the air was pure like lavender. The river was flowing. It was always moving forward.

Oh, how Victoria would hold me through those long summer nights. I could almost feel her embrace again. But why wasn’t she holding me now? Now is when I needed her the most! I passed her a subtle, but firm glint of anger. This just didn’t seem fair, I thought. But then, what is?

“Breathe, Thomas”, I said to myself, and returned to my calm. Now is not the time to be fighting. But I would give anything for just one bloody response! Anything, Victoria! Just tell me what you’re feeling right now!

